0:00 The first radio call as the Bright Field passes under the
Crescent City Connection
Davisson: 70 to Gov Nick. I just lost my engine. Alert
everyone in the harbor to watch out.
Gov Nick: Gov Nick to everyone around Algiers Point ...
the tour boats that just called me. Fella lost his engine. He's
coming down on the bridge.
0:25 Davisson: Gov Nick. I'm going to hit those ... I'm
gonna hit that damn cruise ship. Call 'em or do something.
0:30 Unknown (either a call to or from the tugboat Louisiana):
Louisiana, southbound ship at the bridge.
0: 35 Davisson: Gov Nick, call 'em or do something I'm
a'going right for 'em
0:40 Gretna: Come in, 70. Davisson: 70
0:45 Gretna: You got the Louisiana coming at you, right
off your stern.
0:50 Davisson: OK warn ... warn, warn the gambling boat
I'm coming right for 'em.
Gov Nick: Getting them on the phone now, cap.
0:55 Gov Nick: Gov Mick to Creole Queen. (the tour boat
was upriver bound, rounding Algiers Point on the West Bank)
Creole Queen: I gotcha Mike.
Gov Nick: All alert everybody around there.
1:40 Davisson: Gov Nick this looks, bad ...
1:55 Davisson: Tell those people to get way! There's
people on the dock! Tell 'em to get away!
2:25 Davisson: Tell those people to getaway.
2:10 Gov Nick: Flamingo? ... Ken you see that ship?
2:45 Unknown: Roger ... roger
3:15 Unknown: Chris you see this?
3:30 Davisson: Get over here quick.
4:00 Unknown: Come in Brian, He (Davisson) ain't talking
to nobody right now, man. He's got a ... he ate the dock up.
4:05 Unknown: The hotel collapsed man he got ... the
hotel that fell off. Ah, Jesus. They got a mess here.
4: 10 Davisson: Get some tugs over here now.